Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday and Sunday

Sorry that I skipped Wednesday, It was pretty boring. Anyway, Saturday was interesting. Dad and Jeremy left early in the morning to go biking. They biked like 40 kilos. But while they were biking Sig, me, Anna and Mom all went shopping. I (of course) did not buy anthing. Anyone who knows me well knows that it takes me forever to pick something out, especially when I´m spending my own money on it. I am so indecisive that I couldn´t keep up with everyone else and so therfore bought nothing on the day that was completely dedicated to buying things. But it was pretty fun anyways. We started at the flee market and I saw a couple things that I liked but nothing worth buying. Then we shopped at a couple little stores down town. Then Sig left and the three of us headed over to the mall and did some shoppinn there. OMG you would not believe how much more exspensive things are in Iceland then they are back home. We went to this one shop called topshop and I found this really cute skirt and it cost 12,000 krona thats about 120 dollars. I went to another shop and found a simple white sundress that cost 78,000 krona which is about 780 dollars. It was unbeliveable. So as you can imagine I didn´t buy anything at the mall. Then Anna and Sig went to a camp out so me and mom were the only ones left at home. So we went downtown and rented two movies. Baby Mamma (which I have already seen but it was just as hilarious the second time) and 7 pounds(if you don´t like sad movies then don´t rent this). After that Dad and Jeremy came home and we all went to bed. Sunday is pretty fun so far. we went back to the flee market in the morning and I bought a ton of make up because it was pretty cheap there. We got foundation, powder, mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow for only 2000 krona(20 bucks) then I got these really cute flats for only 1000 krona. So some pretty good deals. After that we went to go see some more of the fam and had a little lunchin at the Icelandic relitives house. And thats were I am right now. I will put some pictures up tommorrow maybe but I havta go. Bye!

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