Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thursday and Friday

Well, I can´t put any pictures in this blog or the next one because I´m on someone elses computer so yeah. So I´ll write. Thursday we woke up early in the morning anf went to the blue lagoon with the fam and Sig. The showers were extremelu awkward of corse and not very pleasant. But once we got in that pool of hotness it was so soothing that all my worries seemed to melt away. Anywho, we hung out in there for a while and then we went out to lunch. Sig had to go home so the me and the fam went to my dads cousins house for a little family reunion. I hate family ruinions of any type. I wish i liked em but I just don´t. So that was interesting, but what made the whole thing even more interesting was Jeremy and I´s little adventure. Jeremy and I decided that we were bored and so we went outside and hung out there for a while then, when we finally decided to got back inside found that we were locked out. We jiggled the handle and it just wouldn´t budge. We searched the outside of the door for some sort of button. But we soon found that if we just pushed the door, it would come open. We proceeded though the next door and went up to the room where the party was. We jiggled that handle and it was actually locked. Jeremy suggested that we knock but I decided that we should go back down stairs and ring the bell. So we rang the bell and made our way back up to the room. We jiggled the handle once again only to discover that it was in fact still locked. This troubled us both intensly. We started arguing in English outside of the door. A man opened the door and stared at us strangly. We figured that he was just one of the party guests and as all the apartments in this particular building look exteremely simalar we had no idea that is wasn´t the apartment in which the party was being held, that apartment was one floor up. We waltzed into this couples home about to make ourselves confortable. when we were about three quarters of the way into this couples apartment the man looked at us and said where do you think that you are going. A moment of realization came over me and both shocked and embarrassed I quikly apoligized and we left. That is pretty much all that happened on Thursday. Friday was very eventful. The fam and also Sig and her fam all went around the Golden Circle. Which is a circle ful of exciting little landmarks and stuff. The first thing that we went to was Þingvellir which is a park type thing with a huge waterfall and stuff. I will have another blog with all the pictures from it and everything else we saw. Anywho, It was fun for climbing and stuff. I climbed like half way up the mountain with Sig. After that, we went to see the geisure which is a huge pot of boiling water that shoots up into the air. I got a couple videos of that. The next thing we did was go to gullfoss which is one of the bigest waterfalls in Iceland. So that was pretty fun except by then it was freazing cold and I didn´t really feel like getting out of the car. After that we went back to the flat and Sig came over and made us two big pizzas while we watched the Hulk(which by the way is one of the stupidest movies ever) Thats about it.

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