Sunday, July 5, 2009

Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday

Monday Morning was an early one. I was forced to wake up at 7 in the morning so that I could be at the school at 9 for the placement class. Unfortunatly the placement class didn't start until 9:30 so we had some time to kill. After the placement class we got some lunch and then I went back to the school at 12:30 for my first class of the intensive. My first class was Technique and it was 2 hours long. After that I had point and then pilates. Then We all went to the Empire state building. Tuesday we decided to sleep in and then I went to school. I had Technique, pointe and Jazz which was really really hard but kinda fun. After that we went to the Brooklyn tabernacle to hear a really great service. Then we went to dinner with Andrew. On wednesday we went to the rockafeller center in the morning and then I went to class. Wednesday I had Technique then pointe then I had a nutrition lecture. Then I went to see the ballet sylvia with all the Joffrey people. Thats about all.


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